Discover Your Hidden Memory & citeste carti online gratis .PDF 📖
- AUTOR: Dr. Menis Yousry
- CATEGORIA: Limbi Străine
- NR. DE PAGINI: 151
- LIMBA: Engleză
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  This book will take you on a journey of exploration into your consciousness and show you how it has
been shaped by your early experiences of becoming conscious.Your consciousness is created
even before you are born, as well as during your childhood, by your relationship with your parents,
your origins, past generations, your culture and your environment. This is a journey about all the
powerful, invisible waves of influence – positive and negative – that shape our lives, and how these
combine to try to help us make sense of what we perceive ourselves to be as human beings. It is
about how such experiences interweave and bind us to our past and to our present, thus creating
our future.
Often these waves of influence generate hidden dynamics – made up of unresolved issues,
beliefs, painful experiences and unusual circumstances – that we haven’t fully understood in the past.
These are stored in our subconscious memory and hidden from our conscious mind, and they affect
our present perception of the world profoundly. These hidden dynamics are then repeatedly
reinforced when we unconsciously attract matching life situations and circumstances into our lives.
The human consciousness is about completion. In our desire to complete and heal such
incomplete painful past experiences, they become repeated patterns. They often keep manifesting
themselves in our lives simply because we haven’t yet made sense of them. They are unresolved
patterns that keep recurring despite our attempts to find a solution and completion.
By exploring our hidden memories, we can explore how we can change who we think we are and
become who we really are; in other words, we can learn to live consciously now, in our essence. It is
a journey into your heart and soul to seek peace and find healing by exploring what it is to be human
– as a child and an adult, within a family or culture. It is also a journey into what it means to be human
in a world which we perceive to be part real, part illusory and within a universe of our own making.
Our compelling challenge is to explore our ability to uncover, expose and ultimately observe all
these hidden dynamics within ourselves, our families and our cultures in order to reveal our internal
model of reality and how, until now, we have perceived the world. Gaining this powerful understanding
of ourselves will explain why we tend to gravitate towards either re-creating the same situations or
trying and failing, repeatedly, in our attempts to create the opposite.
On the way to discovering your hidden memories, and ultimately yourself, we look at the patterns
formed by the neurological connections in our brains as well as the way in which our origins and past
generations bring us to an understanding of our culture and our place in the world. This knowledge will
lead you to a greater awareness of yourself and your life and, in turn, will help you to eliminate further
suffering and achieve future success. The key to this transformation is to find peace in understanding
in our selves, as human beings in this unfolding universe.
Real freedom comes from within us and is not dependent on others. We can be set free from
seeing ourselves as being merely a product of the past (and how this affects us in the here and now).
People who are forever talking about seeking freedom are often trapped in the prison of their past
and are trying to escape from something that actually no longer exists.
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