Povești pentru copii în limba engleză cu ilustrații citește top 10 cărți pdf 📖
- AUTOR: Paulette Bourgeois
- CATEGORIA: Poezie, Proză, Povești
- LIMBA: Engleză
Cărți «Povești pentru copii în limba engleză cu ilustrații citește top 10 cărți pdf 📖». Rezumatul cărții:
Povești pentru copii în limba engleză cu ilustrații frumoase, crește un copil de mic, învățînd-ul o limbă străină, căci doar copii sunt în stare să o învețe mai rapid decît un matur.
Franklin Wants a Pet, Franklin's Blanket, Franklin's School Play by Paulette Bourgeois .PDF
FRANKLIN could count by twos and tie his shoes. He could sleep alone in his small, dark shell. He even had a best friend named Bear. But Franklin wanted something else. He wanted a pet. Franklin had wanted a pet since he was small. But whenever he asked, “May I have a pet, please?” his parents said, “Maybe someday.” Franklin waited for a long time. He often pretended to have a pet. He took Sam, his stuffed dog, for walks. He taught Sam tricks. He even helped Sam bury some bones. But Sam wasn’t a real pet. One day, Franklin asked his parents again, “May I have a pet, please?” Franklin’s parents looked at each other. “We’ll think about it,” they answered. At first, Franklin was happy because they did not say, No. Then, Franklin became worried. His parents could think about things for days and days.
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